Friday, September 24, 2010

Shield,Composite,Cinder Cone!

Hola all my peeps! What goes on? ANYWAYS........ I have these friends. They are volcanoes. One is called Shield, one Composite, and one called Cinder Cone(Cindy for short). They are arguing and I cannot stand it! So I am gonna tell you how they are different and how they are the same. I HOPE YOUR READING THIS GUYS!!!!
Shield Volcano-A shield volcano is a small, circular base, gental sloped volcano. Shield volcanoes have lava filled with basaltic lava(weird word,basaltic) The lava stays flow-y for a long time, it's so pretty to watch!

Composite Volcano-This is a large, steep, and very explosive volcano. It explodes very violently. This is the volcano that goes BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! It builds out of layers of dried up lava.

Cinder Cone- A medium size volcano, that explodes normally, and has mostly gasses coming out. This is the most common kind of volcano.

HOLD ON! My friends just called and said they just made up cuz of my blog! I am awesome! Science Fun:)


  1. Great blog bud i hope we can still be friendz!! plz plz plz!!! i wuved it ur so creative!!

  2. rly rly rly rly rly rly coolio pics and im being honest!!!
