Friday, December 10, 2010


   Hello everyone! It is mwa! So today we are going to talk about BLACK HOLES! You guys probably think of the humungo black thing that sucks in the things close to it. Well there is a lot more to it than people think. I'm here to tell all of you about it so you can act smarticle when you talk about it in class. I'm going to try something different this time, I'm gonna let my friend, Becky, tell you about black holes. She is a black hole, by the way. Here is a picture of her:

isn't she pretty?

     Hey guys it's me, Becky. I'm gonna try to do a good job so tell me if I did good at the end. Alrighty then, let's get started! Black holes can be made in 2 ways. One way is that if a large star explodes in a supernova. Sometimes the star remains will collapse in on itself and create a black hole. The other way is if a bunch of chemicals and gases come together they will eventually create matter. The matter will collapse on itself and create a black hole. Then, it will start to get bigger and bigger. Black holes are at least 10-15 times as big as the sun! THAT'S HUGE, RIGHT? Right!


        Now, we're gonna talk about the gravity of black holes. The gravity is something scary. It is so strong because it has a lot of mass. LOTS OF MASS! Did you know that some people in Sci-fi movies go INTO a black hole?! HA! That is really impossible, because if light can't escape from us, than a human DEFINITELY can't. Also, we have this thing that's called the event horizon. This is the place that grabs onto the thing that's near us. When you're in the event horizon, there's no going back. You're doomed! Remember when we were talking about humans and black holes? Do you wanna know what would happen to you guys? Good, cuz I'm gonna tell you. You would be ripped apart into a bunch of tiny particles. Ouch! Anyways, black holes are a true mystery really. The one thing scientists are dying to know is, what is on the other side of a black hole? Well, that's easy! It's.....wait a minute! I'm not telling you anything!

it looks like a CD!

        Well, Celine's back now so I have to go. I had a lot of fun!
Hey, it's me Celine again. I hope Becky did a good job! So, now it's the end of my blog. (sniffle,sniffle) To give you a little something fun, here is a cool video. BYE! Science Fun:)

Monday, December 6, 2010


I'm walking on sunshine! WOAH!!!!! Oh, hey guys it be me again. Alright so I'm gonna start right away. Different, right? Well, today we will be talking about the sun! WOAH!!!!! So, you guys probably know that the sun is the star that is right next to us. Well people usually don't know bubkiss about the sun. I'm here to tell you people of the world bouts it. Okidoki then, let's start!
    Like all stars, it is a bunch of very hot gasses and stuff. They start out with a bunch of helium atoms. The helium atoms combine and then turn into hydrogen atoms. This is called nuclear fusion. It happens in the core. Speaking of core, I think it would be bestest if I tell you peeps about the layers of the SUN! 
 1. Core- This is the very center of the sun. It is the most hotstests part of the sun. Hey, does the "core" sound familiar? Well it should cuz it is the same thing as the Earth. REMEMBERING IS FUN!!!!!
2. Radiation Zone- This is the place were the material is real dense and hot. The sun's radiation and energy goes through the sun. Slowly but surely, I'm acting smarticle! IS GOTS SMARTICLES PARTICLES!!!!!
3.  Convection Zone- This is the place where energy is too light to go through the sun, so it goes in convection. So it goes UP and DOWN. UP and DOWN. UP AND DOOOOOOOOWN! (owie!)
4. Photosphere- Dis layer is de layer that we can SEE! It is also reallllllly hot and stuff. This gives off that yellow-white-type-thingy-ma-bob. Such creative words.
5. Chromosphere- In an eclipse, (no not the Twilight movie) (btw, that movie SUCKS!) (sorry all peeps who <3 those movies) anyways, in an eclipse, you see a red line around the sun, that's the chromospere. The redness is caused by a lot of hydrogen. The website said "abundance." Hee hee. That be a funny word!
6. Corona- Well, this one is the most simple. It is basically the atmosphere of the sun. WELL DAT WUZ ESAY!!!!!
     So those are the layers of the sun. I hope you guys enjoyed! Now it's time for the pics. Wow, pictures, videos, AND a good writing! You guys are lucky I giva y'all so much! Until next time, BYE! Science Fun:)

OMG dat be BRIGHT!
Artist concept of the sun's layers
throw your hands up for the layers of the sun!

dat must have huet that dudes hands! LOL!