Monday, January 16, 2012

Gotta Love Nicknames!

        Cel? Really? Your going to start calling me cel?! Weird nicknames you guys come up with... Oh hi there! My friends just gave me a new nickname. (sarcastic yay) Well my new nickname got me thinking of something. CELLS! Why don't we learn a little about them? Okay so you probably already know that cells are the smallest part of a living organism. There are lots of different kinds of cells and they each do a different job. All cells work together to keep that living thing healthy.

        Cells, just like us, have stuff inside them that make them work. And I'm about to teach it to you! So first off we have the nucleus. This is the boss of the cell. It tells the other parts of the cell what to do and it also holds the cell's DNA. LIKE A BOSS! Then we have the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is the liquid-like substance in which all of the other stuff float around. Oh and by the way, the "stuff" inside the cell is called organelles. Another organelle is something called the golgi body. This is takes all the protein and other nutrients inside the cell, and ships it to other parts. Kind of like a post office. 

       Next up is lysosomes. They basically digest and recycle used cell parts. The cell membrane is the protection of the cell. It guards it and makes sure nothing can get in or get out. Like the cell's own personal body guard. The mitochondria is like the power house of the cell. It gives energy so the cell can do all it needs to do. Some people say it looks like a kidney bean! Little fun fact for ya! Anyways, our next organelle is the vacuole. This gets rid of the waste the cell doesn't need. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum, or ER for short, creates hormones. It's called the smooth ER because it looks smooth from microscopic view. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is the transport system for proteins. The proteins collect on these things called ribosomes, which makes the ER looks bumpy and rough from microscopic view. Ribosomes are things that carry protein, as I just said, and it also carries RNA. 

          As I said at the beginning of the blog, there are a bunch of different cells. But those cells classify into two main groups. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Here are a couple differences. I'll abbreviate them to pro and eu. Pro doesn't have a nucleus, eu does. Pro don't have all the organelles that eu has. Pro aren't in humans, eu is. Pro are usually unicellular, meaning they only have one cell in them, and eu is usually multicellular, which means they have lots of cells in them. 

      You also need to know the difference between animal and plant cells. Plant cells have chloroplast and use photosynthesis to make food. They have a cell wall. Plant cells also have something called plasmodesmata, which are like little tubes that carries things to other parts of the cell. They also have one huge vacuole and are rectangular shaped. Animal cells don't have chloroplast. They don't have a cell wall, just a cell membrane. Animal cells don't have plasmodesmata. They only have one small vacuole and are either circular, irregular, or specific shapes based on the type of cell. 

Plant Cell
Animal Cell

     Here are some cool links!
Click here to see cell structure. Click here to learn all about cells. Click here to see an interactive cell. 
    So that's really it on cells for today! Hope you guys liked! I now have to go and see if I can change my nickname... But you know, it isn't that bad. Cel... nah I'm gonna change it. Bye guys! Science Fun:)


  1. Good blog Celine... no links though! Loved the pictures and the highlighting LIKE A BOSS!

  2. omg celine!!!loved the intro. it was a really good blog i do think that you really have potential!!

  3. hhhhhhhhey celine .loved your blog. it had good info and nice pictures. i really do think you ave some potential!!!

  4. Okay so good job Celinefeege. I liked th info and the pics but maybe the space between the pics and the text could hjave been a little bit less.

  5. hey celinium good job! I remember learning about this and I think you summed it up in a pretty good way.. so yeah.

  6. i cant believe u like the hunger games more than harry potter.. whyd u change ur background....?
