Monday, August 16, 2010


 Hey this is my first blogg ever. Ok so today I'm going to be talking about inventions. Inventions are awesome. But I like some more than others. I mean we all have favorites, right? So ok my absolute favorite invention is air conditioning! Without it I would die! We get so hot in the summer it's impossible to live without it. Like earlier this week in the classes at school, the air conditioning wasn't working! Everyone was going to pass out! But then they got it fixed. But my teacher said that we take advantage of the air conditioning. And i kind of have to agree. But here are some fun facts about air conditioning:
So the very first air conditioning system was made by Dr.John Gorrie. The first modern air conditioning system was made by an American engineer Willis Carrier. The first home air conditioning was in the home of Charles Gates. Air conditions have been said to be one of the problems affecting Global Warming.
Well I hope that's not true! Because I cannot live without air conditioning! Well that's all for this blogg entrie. Science Fun:)


  1. for my first blog ever, i think it was ok. but i could do way better!

  2. you can do better on your blog you sound happy and maybe if you read less books it could be way better and it sounds nothing like you.
