Monday, August 30, 2010

I Have A Question!

Ok so I was at home, minding my own business, when sudenly the dude on tv said..... "Hey do you know why glacial stuff aren't found on Africa?" And I was like..... no.  So then I was wondering why and I am going to find out and tell you about it. Well, not really. I was bored and there wasn't anything on tv and yeah. Okidoke. First let me find some info. (dududududududu) Ok so I found that glacial stuff is often formed at high latitudes near the poles. So basicly If it's cold and high up, there will be glacial stuff. Ok un momento por favor. (dudududududududu) Um I tried to look up something but there were TOO many words, so i'm going to use common sense. Basicly, Africa is in between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. So it gets direct sunlight. Plus it has low elevation. Here is a video of Africa.

That was a cool video. And now you know how Africa looks. It has a lot of plant, animal, and human life. But Antarctica is very cold so it can't support much life. So now you know about that stuff. And guess what? My favorite show is on. I'm not bored! But that was fun, too. Gotta go. Science Fun:)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Alrighty then who wants to learn about mountain? (chirp,chirp) Anybody? Seriosly! (sigh) Well we are going to learn about them today. Mountains are awesome. But they don't look like a giant point like we used to draw them when we were young ones. (giggle) So I know if I just TELL you about it you wont care, YES YOU WOULD! STOP LYING! Here just watch this. (grumble,grumble)

Ok that was a pretty cool video. That was a video of a bunch of people trying to climb Mt.Everest. That is the tallest mountain in the world. Mountains are formed when two continental plates push together and make a  mountain. But it takes a very long time. It takes like a billion years! Oh my god! I know. Mt.Everest formed when India came and pushed into Asia. Mt.Everest grows an inch every year. Some people say that in a couple million years India will not exist. But that's in a super long time. So now I hope you now what are mountains. And now you don't think it's boring, right? (chirp,chirp) (sigh) Science Fun:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Earthquakes!(rumble rumble)

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no! The Earth is moving! What is going on? Are we all going to die? Why wont someone answer me? No we are not going to die, and yes the Earth is moving. But its not crazy. It's normal. The Earth moves all the time! Duh! Alrighty then, what is going on is that there is an earthquake. An earthquake is when two tectonic plates rub together and make a shaking feeling. You might be wondering, "What the flubb  are tectonic plates?" Well I'm going to tell you. Jeez, be patient. Ok tectonic plates are large,thin and rigid plates that move each other on the outer surface of the Earth. You know, a LONG time ago all the continents were one. It was called Pangea. Isn't that a cool word? I know right! Well now you know a little about earthquakes. And now you wont freak out the next time there's an earthquake. Oh man, now I've got this song in my head. Oh well! Science Fun:)
(Awwwwwwwww freak out! dududududu dududududu. Freak out!)

Monday, August 16, 2010


 Hey this is my first blogg ever. Ok so today I'm going to be talking about inventions. Inventions are awesome. But I like some more than others. I mean we all have favorites, right? So ok my absolute favorite invention is air conditioning! Without it I would die! We get so hot in the summer it's impossible to live without it. Like earlier this week in the classes at school, the air conditioning wasn't working! Everyone was going to pass out! But then they got it fixed. But my teacher said that we take advantage of the air conditioning. And i kind of have to agree. But here are some fun facts about air conditioning:
So the very first air conditioning system was made by Dr.John Gorrie. The first modern air conditioning system was made by an American engineer Willis Carrier. The first home air conditioning was in the home of Charles Gates. Air conditions have been said to be one of the problems affecting Global Warming.
Well I hope that's not true! Because I cannot live without air conditioning! Well that's all for this blogg entrie. Science Fun:)