Thursday, April 28, 2011


    Heyyyyyy! I just got back from an AWESOME spring break! It was so much fun! I did everything everyday! So now I bet you want me to tell you what went on. And my answer is.....sure! I'm gonna tell you in order. Alright let's start!
   On Saturday me, my mom, my dad, and Zeina went out to Bahama Breeze for linner. (dinner+lunch=linner) Then my friend Tala slept over.

I love this place!!!

    On Sunday, me, my mom, my dad, Zeina, and Tala went to this park that's on Lake Lanier. I think its the Buford Dam Park. Anyways, there was a lot of people that went with us. OK so this is everyone that went with us. Me, my mom, my dad, Zeina, Tala, Tala's mom and dad, my aunt, my grandma, my great aunt, and my great uncle. Yeah I know, lots of peeps. Well there was SO many bees there! I would scream every time I saw one. Which was basically every 5 seconds. Zeina and Tala got so annoyed with me. But it was fun running from the bees!

that was me everyone!


   On Monday, Anabel and Kate came over. Anabel slept over and Kate was SUPPOSED to sleep over too, but she felt bad and went home:( Well me and Anabel slept in my basement. We sat on the couch and watched Glee. Anabel had brought 4 DVDs of Glee! But together they had 13 Glee's total. We watched 11 because we had already seen 2 before she came. So after like 6 Glee's we took a break and watched music videos on MTV. We started dancing to Born This Way at like 2:00am. Speaking of things we did at 2:00am, we made commercials. Anabel made a Coke Zero commercial, and I made a Pretzel commercial. It was fun! Eventually, we fell asleep at 5:30am and woke up at like 12:00pm. Oh yeah here is my Pretzel commercial! Hope you like!!! 

   On Tuesday, Anabel and I made french toast for breakfast. It was yummy! Then, she left at like 5:30.
   On Wednesday, I went to Bruster's with my aunt, my grandma, and Zeina. We got waffle cones and I was about to explode of ice cream!!!
   On Thursday, I went shopping with my mom. I got lots of pretty things.

i <3 shopping!

   On Friday, I went to see the movie Soul Surfer with Anabel and Sydney. (my peeps) It was a good movie. Then we went to Chick-Fil-A. I love that place!

love me some chick-fil-a!
   On Saturday, I went to Arabic School then I slept over at my friend Tala's house. We played on the trampoline a lot. When night came, we stayed up till like 3:00am watching Chopped
   On Sunday, we went on the trampoline some more. It was fun until Zeina jumped and landed on my ankle! That really hurt! We had pizza and chicken tenders for dinner. Then, my parents picked me and Zeina up at 7:30pm. I was so tired when I got home!

that was me

   So that was my spring break! It was really fun! Alright then, bye!
Science Fun:)