Sunday, August 21, 2011

What are we gonna talk about.....

      Hey guys! So I really don't know what we are going to talk about today but I'm sure that we will figure something out- (ring ring) Oh one second.

 *me on the phone* Hey Steve! Where are you? *Steve my pet unicorn* NEIGH! *translation*. I'm at Om's.*me* Oh OK! Well bye!

   So good news guys! I found our topic today! We are gonna talk about... ATOMS!! Alrighty then, the first thing we are gonna talk about is what an atom is. Well, basically an atom is the smallest thing EVER! For example, take a piece of paper. Cut it in half, then keep cutting it until you cant cut it anymore. Your ending result is an atom. Atoms are really small. So small, you can't even see them! But, trust me, they are there. And where exactly is there? There is everywhere! Basically, atoms make up anything and everything. People, animals, plants, trees, lamps, chairs, and even air!

that's an atom boys and girls!

  Now we know what an atom is. Yay for us! But now we need to talk about the structure of atoms. Well, an atom has a thing in its center called the nucleus. It has these things called protons and neutrons which we shall talk about later. Ha ha I love that word, shall. It sounds so fancy. Anyways, outside the nucleus is this thing called an electron which we will also talk about later. The electron is moving at almost light's speed around the nucleus. It's moving so fast it looks like there is a fuzzy cloud around the nucleus. Another cool thing about the structure of an atom is that it's mainly empty space. Here's a picture:

      So now we are going to talk about the stuff I promised we would talk about. And those are protons, neutrons, and electrons! Let's start with protons. Protons are one of the subatomic particles that are in the nucleus, just as I said before. They are kinda heavy, well as heavy as you can get for a subatomic particle. They have a positive charge. JUST LIKE ME! Click Here to learn more about protons.

this is supposed to be the nucleus of an atom

    Now on to the neutron. Neutrons are also in the nucleus. They are always right next to the protons. Neutrons really don't have a charge, they're just neutral, hence the name neutron. They are just as heavy as the protons. Click Here to learn more about neutrons. Oh and did anyone else think of  Jimmy Neutron when I said neutron? If not you are definitely thinking about it now! 

I used to LOVE this show!! 
     Last but not least, we have the electron. Electrons are much smaller than the proton and nucleus and have a negative charge. For every electron there is a proton. This makes the atom even. But, sometimes an atom loses an electron. Bye bye electron! This makes the atom more positive. However, sometimes an atom gains an electron making the atom more negative. Click Here to learn more about electrons. 

aw he has such a big nose! 

    Well, that's it for this atom's blog! Hope your brain is filled with new knowledge! Now, I have to go, I have to get Steve from Om's house. I'll leave you with this atom's song. BYE GUYS! Science Fun:)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


      Hey guys! (heyyyyyy) Guess what? (what?) IT'S SCHOOL! (mutter mutter) Yeah I know but the good news is I'm gonna do blogs again!! (sarcastic yay) Excuse me? (YAY!) Better. Well Right now I'm not doind science-y blogs. I'm gonna talk about my summer! 

haha its so creepy!!
    So as basically what I did this summer is hang out with friends. You know, had a couple sleepovers, went to the mall, went to the movies, went to the pool. By the way, I beat my record of staying up at a sleepover, I stayed up till 7:40am!! WOOP! And I saw the best movie in the history of the universe... HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2!!!!!! Oh my god it was so good!! VOLDEMORT HAS NO NOSE!! I mean seriously watch this and say it's NOT amazing!!

  OH MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD! But probably the main highlight was having my British cousins coming. Their names are Rami and Danny. They were awesome! They had the most AMAZING British accent ever!! Haha we went to White Waters, Georgia Aquarium, pool, mall, restaurants, everything! They were so much fun and I can't wait to see them again. Plus they're British!! I love British people! If you're British then you are my friend. 
its true

    Well that was my summer! But I'm not done yet..... I'm gonna tell you guys what I want to improve on this year. I really wanna get straight A's all year! That means I need to really need to do good at one thing... VOCAB! I'm not that amazing at that. And believe it or not, I wanna get better at my blogs! I know what you're thinking, (but she's already amazing!) well I wanna get even more amazing! I wanna try to put more info in them and less of myself. So it can be more informational but not boring. So yeah straight A's and better blogs. If I do that I will be really happy!! 

haha that's exactly how I'd be! a creepy smiley person! 
   Well that's the end of this back to school blog! I'll be back next week with my first science related blog of this school year! See you guys then! BYE!!! Science Fun:)