Friday, February 4, 2011

2 blogs IN ONE! YAY =D

    The big big BANG!  Hey everyone! Well today we're going to do something a little different. I'm doing 2 blogs in one! Because I'm that awesome! And because I have 2 things I want to talk about and I just can't decide! So yeah. OK so obviously we're talking about The Big Bang first. The Big Bang is a theory that everything in the universe just exploded. Space, time, matter, you name it. Scientists say that all that stuff started out in a tiny dot called a singularity.

hm if only a singularity was THAT pretty

        Then, the singularity EXPLODED! (kaboom!) No one knows how, it just...happened. Well, this explosion caused all the matter and time to go in all different directions. You know, the awesomeness we were talking about earlier? (chirp,chirp) What do you not remember or something? (chirp,chirp) Oh you don't. Well then re-read it. Anyways, this theory was created by a Belgian priest named Georges Lemaitre. Yeah I don't know how to say it, so please don't ask. Everyone thought he was crazy. But he still believed that theory. Then, around the 1920s, 2 guys named Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson found something awesome. They found radiation left over from the Big Bang! Awesome. Plus, they also made a cool song out of that theory. Here, let me show you.

     BLEEP BLAP BLOOP! Greetings and salutations! I am Zisnorn from the planet..well you don't need to know. Celine told me that she wanted to have an alien come and talk to you creatures. So here I am!  Well I can't tell you creatures very much . But what I can tell you is that not all aliens are mean and nasty. And we don't look green and have antenas. Basicaly everything that you creatures think of us is wrong. Or is it? BLEEP BLAP BLOOP!

Bye bye Zisnorn!
       Woah. Where am I? Oh yeah, Zisnorn dropped me off here. Well now I'm going to tell you what I think of aliens. I think that we are not alone in this universe. Because we're just one planet in one solar system in one galaxy. There are like a jillion galaxies in the universe! There's got to be something else ou there! I'm not entirely sure if we'll ever come face to face with them, but there is something out there. One day, in the DISTANAT future maybe we'll prove that there is something out there! Until then... (mysterious music)
              It's now that time again! We have reached the end of my blog. OK here's a hilarious "alien" video. Hope you like! Oh and Zisnorn says hi! Well me and him are gonna go to get some grub! BYE! (hey Zisnorn, do you know were we're eating?) Science Fun:)